Welcome to work with images and words and participate in a community art project!
In this art workshop, two different forms of expression are combined and art animation is used as inspiration. In the workshop, you will make your own art work combining text and image. The workshop is suitable for anyone who can read and write, no other prior knowledge is needed. The workshop is guided in English, Kurdish and Arabic in addition to Finnish. The workshop is guided by Laura Mellanen, Jenan Bayati and Johanna Immeli.
There is room for 30 participants. Participation in the art workshop is free, it does not include entry to the exhibitions. There is no advance registration for the art workshop.
If you wish, you can give the work created in the art workshop as part of the community artwork. Community artwork will be presented at the Ovi Kummaan V Event in Malva on 13th April.
The art workshop and the community artwork are part of a provincial series of artworks, funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Regional Counsil of Päijät-Häme.