Sami Leutola
The soundproofing walls in the railway station underpass constructed in 2006 were implemented as a work of art. Designed by Sami Leutola, the Travellers relief is made of heat-treated spruce. The work consists of wooden panels sandwiched between concrete columns, from which silhouettes of pedestrians emerge in relief. Carrying various pieces of luggage, the silhouetted figures accompany passers-by hurrying through the underpass on their way to or from the city centre. The material and motifs of the work introduce much-needed vibrancy and warmth to the underpass, counterbalancing the tunnel’s harsh walls and massive concrete pillars.

Artwork on the map
On the wall of the underpass tunnel of Lahti railway station. – Mannerheiminkatu 15, Lahti.
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On the wall of the underpass tunnel of Lahti railway station. – Mannerheiminkatu 15, Lahti.
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