Sari Soininen: Mindscapes

Photographic artist Sari Soininen’s colourful and dreamlike photographic style is inspired by philosophical ideas and personal mystical experiences.
3.11.2023 ‐ 7.4.2024

Photographic artist Sari Soininen’s (b. 1991) first solo exhibition in Finland, Mindscapes, presents some of her most significant seriesto date, including Transcendent Country of Mind and The Black Cat Kingdom. The exhibition also includes works from Soininen’s new series of works Shallow Waters, Misty Waves.

Soininen’s colourful and dreamlike photographic style is inspired by philosophical ideas and personal mystical experiences. Her interest is in providing the viewer with alternative ways of seeing the world and reality around them. The Mindscapes exhibition occupies the first floor of Malva, transporting visitors to the mysterious worlds of Soininen’s photographs.

Soininen holds a BA in Media Arts from Lahti Institute of Design (2014) and an MA in Photography from the University of the West of England (2021). Soininen, currently making her artistic breakthrough, published the photobook Transcendent Country of the Mind in 2022, and articles about her have been published in, among other publications, The Guardian and the British Journal of Photography.

Photo: Sari Soininen: Dimension #9, from the series Transcendent Country of the Mind, 2019–2021.