Poster Triennial 2025

Rasmus Rantanen: Julistetornit. Detail.

The Lahti International Poster Triennial celebrates its 50th anniversary!
Finland hosts 22nd international poster exhibition.  

June 6–September 7, 2025, Lahti Museum of Visual Arts Malva 
Opening ceremony June 5, 2025

The Lahti International Poster Triennial will celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2025. Continuing a tradition that began in 1975, this graphic design competition and exhibition will now be held for the 22nd time in Lahti. To honour the triennial’s 50th jubilee, the theme of our special anniversary category will be ‘freedom of expression’. Although this inherent human right is protected in many countries, free speech still remains under threat in many parts of the world.

The triennial is a collaboration between:
Lahti Museum of Visual Arts Malva
Grafia, Association of Visual Communication Designers in Finland
The Finnish Friends of Posters Guild

Organising committee
Marion Robinson, Graphic Designer, Chair of the Lahti Poster Triennial
Hanna Suihko, Collections Curator, Malva, Secretary General of the Poster Triennial, Chair of the Organizing Committee
Pekka Loiri, Graphic Designer, Advisory Member
Esa Ojala, Graphic Designer, Professor, Advisory Member
Pekka Piippo, Graphic Designer
Katri Soramäki, Executive Director, Grafia
Klaus Welp, Graphic Designer

Rasmus Rantanen: Julistetornit.